Lesson Progress
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Instructor: Julia Duration: 60 minutes Training Outcome : Endurance (Aerobic Fitness) Music: Groovy Electronic Relative Effort: Easy - Medium![]()
Press Play & Get Rollin’ 

How do I get started with Zwift?
- To make sure the music and the instruction line up with the Zwift session, the instructor will guide you, at the perfect time too:
- Press TAB on your keyboard ( desktop / laptop ) or
- Swipe RIGHT on your ZWIFT COMPANION on the warm-up interval ( you will need Zwift Companion on your Phone iOS / Play Store )
- If you need any further help, simply click to message me
Workout Info:
The purpose of this session is to build base fitness and endurance.
Focus on remaining comfortable on the bike for the session, keeping the upper body posture relaxed and the pedal stroke smooth.
Keep the breathing consistency and regular throughout with smooth transitions between higher to lower Zone 2 efforts.
- 4 repeats of 10 min efforts with 2 min recovery between each
- The 10 minute efforts are working at the upper Zone 2 or RPE 5/10.
- For each of the 2 minute recovery efforts drop the to the lower Zone 2 or RPE 3/10.
Lets keep the RPM/ CAD is kept at 90 to 100 rpm for the majority of the session
RPE: 1 = Easy & 10 is Max
Lets Roll!