Instructor: Adam Duration: 44 minutes 09 Seconds Training Outcome : Power Relative Effort: Medium-Hard
Press Play & Get Rollin’
How do I get started with Zwift ? :
- Press TAB on your keyboard, not straight away ( desktop / laptop ) or
- Swipe RIGHT on your ZWIFT COMPANION on the warm-up interval ( you will need Zwift Companion on your Phone iOS / Play Store )
- If you need any further help, simply click to message me
Workout Info:
No Zwift…….No problems……Everything is as per usual !
The session is a rinse and repeat with each of the 5 sets being 7.5 mins long.
Within each set there are 3 intervals. The first is short and hard, the next is a little longer with less intensity and the third is dropping into a steady state and holding tempo for 4 mins.
So………really…… is a continuous roll from start to finish
1 = Easy & 10 is Max
Lesson Content
0% Complete
0/1 Steps